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Get 10% off course registration this month when you subscribe to our mailing list!
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We are committed to excellence and we always appreciate the opportunity to serve our customers in person. We know that compassionate nursing care and quality training is more important now than ever. In these uncertain times, the health of our customers and the individuals we serve is our top priority. To that end, we are putting several measures in place to continue to serve you while doing our part to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic.
· Nursing services will continue. Telehealth will be used where possible and all Agency policies and guidelines put forth will be followed.
· We have enhanced our typical practice of disinfecting high touch surfaces in our office as well a reusable supplies in between uses. Surfaces receiving special attention include, but are not limited to, door knobs, table tops, chairs, binders, light switches, bathroom key(s), all items used to practice skills, all keyboards, touchscreens (associates use gloves to punch in and out), etc,.
· We are performing basic screening of all participants in our programs at entry into the office. This will involve a basic screening questionnaire and a temperature check. Any participant who has a temperature of 100.4 or greater or who has concerning answers to the questionnaire will not be able to enter the office and therefore unable to participate in/complete training.
· We have implemented a new size limit for classes to comply with current social distancing and gatherings orders during the class.
Hand sanitizer is readily available for use and participants must use it to cleanse hands upon each entry into and exit from a classroom and the office suite.
· Candy bowls have been eliminated and use of the refreshment area restricted. Each participant will be provided with a small candy sachet with a bottle of water at the beginning of the course instead.
· If a participant is sick, he/she needs to stay home - Notify our office and DO NOT come to class.
· Should a participant be excluded from class due to illness, you may contact our office to discuss our policies related to registration.
We appreciate your understanding. Protecting your health and safety are our top priorities. These times may be unprecedented, but our commitment to serving our customers’ training and nursing care needs remains the same as it has since 2007.
As always, thank you for choosing Benevolent Care for your training and nursing care needs.
Stay safe and stay healthy!